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Privacy Policy

Welcome to Luxury Travel. We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy while you visit our website. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, share, and protect your information.

1. Collection of Personal Information:

By using our website, you help us:

Assist you in purchasing our products

Troubleshoot any issues you may encounter

Provide the latest updates and information

Enhance the content and usability of our site

Conduct customer satisfaction surveys

Promote our products and services

For certain services, registration may be necessary where you’ll need to provide personal details such as your email, name, and phone number. It is crucial that the information you provide is accurate and lawful. We also gather data on your site visits, including pages viewed, links clicked, and other relevant connection details. We collect browser data as well, including your IP address, browser type, language, and access times.

2. Use of Personal Information:

Your personal information will be used in a manner consistent with our Privacy Policy. We may contact you directly through various forms of communication, such as welcome emails, order confirmations, thank-you letters, and technical and security notices. Subscribers to our email notifications may also receive information about products, services, upcoming events, or job opportunities.

3. Sharing Personal Information:

Your personal information will not be disclosed publicly, except as detailed in this policy. Occasionally, we may engage third parties to conduct market research, who will be bound by a confidentiality agreement to use the information solely for completing the project. We may also disclose your information if required by law, to protect our rights, or to ensure the safety of Luxury Travel Co., Ltd. members.

4. Accessing Personal Information:

You can access and modify your personal information anytime via the link provided on our site.

5. Security of Personal Information:

We are committed to protecting your information through high-standard security measures like PCI and SSL. However, no internet transmission is entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality. We advise you not to share sensitive personal information if you are unsure about our terms.

6. Use of Cookies:

Our website uses cookies to enhance and personalize your online experience. Cookies are small files stored on your device by our server, unique to your account but unable to execute programs or spread viruses. They save you time by remembering your details on return visits. You may accept or refuse cookies through your browser settings, but this may affect the functionality of some website features.

7. Anti-Spam Policy:

Luxury Travel detests spam. We assure you that we only send emails to registered users or those who have opted for our services. We do not sell, rent, or lease your email to third parties. If you receive unsolicited emails from us, please use the unsubscribe link provided or contact our website administrator.

8. Policy Changes:

We reserve the right to modify this policy to better serve our needs and those of our customers. Changes will be reflected in the “Last Updated” section below. By continuing to use our site after these changes, you acknowledge and agree to the revised policy.

9. Contact Us:

We welcome your comments and questions regarding our Privacy Policy. Please reach out to us at [email protected]

This privacy policy is effective as of 1 January 2024 and applies solely to this website, not to any third-party websites that may be linked to ours. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any third-party sites before sharing your personal information.

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